Posted in Dear diary, Inspirational


I woke up just like any other day and all i could just think of is the phrase “Abuse me very well“, then i started to remember my days in secondary school when we used to joke and whine and call each other unnecessary funny names. Then i didn’t really know how to whine but i for sure knew how to laugh to those jokes.

The awkward part is that we sometimes whine about the persons looks and shape, what the Yorubas call ” ebu ara “. I was quite short then and my nose was quite big also so i knew my place was to just sit back and laugh to the stand up comedy. Although there were times i was picked on also but i sha survived.

My point here is about PERFECTION and ACCEPTANCE, i used to think that some people were made perfect while some others were not, until i got to know that no one is truly perfect unless you learn to accept yourself for the person you are.

The truth is that if you don’t accept yourself for who you are you will never feel or learn to appreciate yourself. Lemme give you a scenario, while growing up i and my younger brother were battling with the same height and i was always angry that he would disrespect me or people would soon start calling him the elder brother and me the younger. I didn’t look at the other properties i possess, i didn’t look for my own inner height as i should, i didn’t accept my perfection in other things. Well the truth is that he is now taller than me now but i am glad i was able to accept that before he became the giant he is.

My point is that you have to learn to accept your flaws irrespective of what they are and use them to your advantage. “You are beautiful just the way you are”.

Well i still have to write a poem because that’s what i do. And please do well to follow and comment, i would really appreciate your opinions and contribution.


I walk down the street and you laughed

I dance the way i can and you laughed

I dress in what i have and you laughed

You know what, i also laugh

Do you know why?

I have found the secret to perfection

Looking deep back at you i see your flaws also

But i choose not to use them against you


Because I’m aiming for a better me

Sanyaolu Olubunmi (Mcbumnik)

Accepting who you really are and working on making yourself a better you is the key to perfection – Olubunmi Sanyaolu


I'm a writer and a poet who's trying to make a difference in the world and also make impact... I strongly believe that everybody should be treated with equity irrespective of their gender... I am playful, gentle and cheerfully troublesome, you can call me Bumnik.

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