Posted in Imaginations, Inspirational


When you hear “chicken and cockroach” what comes to your mind? Well, to me, at first when I hear chicken all I can think of is a delicacy before I start thinking of it as an animal that lay eggs, but the thought of cockroach gives me the chills. Now back to the discussion, by chicken and cockroach I’m not referring to the animals in their natural context but more figuratively.

The society tags the chicken as a coward; imagine this scenario, the cock runs after the fowl and then rapes it, well this is quite funny to me but that’s how they were created. I was thinking can’t the cock show a little pride and just have a real smooth dialogue with the hen like a true dude but what’s the point, it’ll always be a coward. Well the cockroach on the other hand is more like a freak of nature, disgustingly creepy and also a coward since it is always hiding in the dark and in corners. I’m sure you must have questions about where I’m going with this analogy, the thing is that most times people call us names that depict us as cowards and there are times that we actually feel that being a coward could be the best thing. For sure there is a difference between us and the animals earlier stated and analyzed. Our difference is our ability to choose, it won’t hurt if we try to man up and face our cowardice, we have the ability to stay in the light rather than in the dark corner, we have the ability to stand tall rather than lie down in shame, we have the strength to hold up and say yes or no to what concerns our lives. Unlike the chicken that has a crown and still acts the way it does, it fears rejection, you can choose to stand out, you don’t have to have a crown to be special, what makes you special is in you, dig it out and you will be surprised by what you find.


You have a crown yet to act childish

You were born special yet you gave it up with lack of faith in yourself

Like the chicken you are scared of rejection

Just like the cockroach you are scared of the light

Why don’t you decide to take charge and control?

You might be surprised of where you will get to

The success and turn-around of your life needs just a little push

Don’t hide under the cloak of cowardice



I'm a writer and a poet who's trying to make a difference in the world and also make impact... I strongly believe that everybody should be treated with equity irrespective of their gender... I am playful, gentle and cheerfully troublesome, you can call me Bumnik.


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